Monthly Archives: August 2014

A change of direction

Since I joined Contact List Builder and became an active member, I have been promoting BodyByVi health and diet products as my ‘primary’ business.  I have taken the decision to change this to Karatbars.

BBV still make good products and I still use them. However, I have decided that Karatbars is a more attractive proposition with a potentially much wider audience. A few days ago, I notified everyone on my CLB mailing list of the change, and I have to  say that I had a good result.

Several people who hadn’t been active in my CLB line contacted me to ask about it and are keen to join when they can. I hope to be seeing some early commissions in there.

Find out more from this video, then read on to find out how you can join.

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Do cultural differences affect the way you do business?

I’m a Brit OK?  We British have a reputation for being reserved in our dealings with other people.  Maybe that’s wrong and maybe it’s right but I feel that in my business and in my personal life, there are lines not to cross and places I should not go when talking to other people.

Recently that led to coming smack up against a business colleague who evidently thinks that I am being negative and something of a wimp and because of that I’m losing out on potential business. I have to disagree and this blog post is about the two sides of that argument.

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