Category Archives: Uncategorized

The social media audience I didn’t realise I had

I have been using to set up posts to my social media accounts a whole lot more in the past week. Today I started to look at Pinterest and what it might do.

Oh what a lightbulb moment!

Now, I don’t normally think of my Pinterest account as a place to promote any of my online business interests, but something told me I ought to look at the stats.
I converted my account to business some time ago, but have just never capitalized on the potential. I mainly think of it as a place to research, store and exchange recipes and it does that very well. Over 3 or 4 years I have built up over 600 followers – that’s more than Instagram – AND – most amazingly 8k a month traffic to my pins. I was absolutely flabbergasted!

I also got some information on the people who visit my account, including their interests, age ranges and gender. Other information tells me that Pinterest users really do spend money.

So, I quickly set up a couple of Pinterest posts from and one immediate one in the boards that get most visitors and re-pins. The pictures in those pins have been carefully chosen to appeal to the people who visit that particular board. There is nothing to prevent you adding posts to a board that are on a different subject. I also have a specific board that relates to CBD and I will make more use of that in the future. Pinterest has a feature, whereby you can choose the boards that are shown at the top of your account, so it makes sense to have the boards that already get the most visits AND the ones relating to your business up there.

Before you go and look at what I’ve been doing on Pinterest, please take a moment to sign up so you know I’ve added a new post here with valuable information to help build YOUR list.

Thanks for your visit! Before you go, please take a moment to subscribe to this blog – see sidebar – for more great listbuilding content. I’ll drop you an email whenever there is new info for you.

How much do you ‘LIKE’ your Facebook posts

Up till I found this article, I thought liking your own Facebook posts was a bit kind of self conscious and a vanity thing. Oh how WRONG. Facebook has being doing bad things under the covers to try and take your posts out of your contact’s news feeds. Apparently liking your own post fixes that.
I found this great article by Rick Rouse and I think all internet marketers should read it.
This is what he has to say about Facebook ‘dirty tricks’

“Facebook has made numerous changes to their user interface of late, and one of the most reviled changes of them all were changes to the news feed and the introduction of the Ticker.

Now, instead of seeing all of your friends’ posts, you only see a selected few (selected by Facebook of course) showing up in your news feed. Under the new “Edge Rank” system, friends that don’t “Like” and comment on your posts usually stop seeing them altogether before too long. ” – Rick Rouse
Go read the whole article – you’ll never look back and you will get much more potential exposure for your business activities on Facebook. This could even make up for being bashed for making too many group posts in a day!
Rick recommends this book for even more useful information about Facebook Marketing.

Discounts on domain and hosting purchases from 123-reg

I have the following discount codes available for domain and hosting purchase from UK company 123-Reg.

Domains .com – 10% please quote COMAFF123

Domains – 10% please quote COAFF123

Web Hosting – 10% please quote HOSTAFF123

This is the URL for all the services above –

If you are looking for assistance with creating your own website and/or blog then please use the contact form in the sidebar.

Are you offering real value?

The jump from merely being a reader and subscriber of your blog to being an enthusiastic customer will be made easier if you absorb and understand one specific concept. You have to offer your subscribers VALUE if you want them to consider buying from you.

So how do you do that?  If you fill in the subscribe form here on my blog, you will now be taken to a ‘Thank You’ page on which I offer you a free report about listbuilding.  For subscribers who have been with me for a while, you may recall something different, and you would be right.  However, the last couple of days showed me that I was not using my blog in the most efficient way.

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End of another year!

There are two schools of thought about how much work internet marketers should be doing over the Christmas and New Year period.

One says that no-one will be reading emails or interested in joining new programs for the next week or two because they will be busy with family, friends and celebrations.

The other one says that as self-employed people, we will be aware that every minute we spend away from our business could be lost money.

So, how do we balance these two theories and put in just enough of the right kind of effort over the holiday period?

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Nuts and Bolts of Listbuilding

If you have read other articles about Contact List Builder here or elsewhere you may know that it comprises a set of programs that together make up a toolset for internet marketers.

Given that your primary objective is to bring new people to your business AND that doing that means finding leads, what are these basic tools and how are they used?

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