There are two schools of thought about how much work internet marketers should be doing over the Christmas and New Year period.
One says that no-one will be reading emails or interested in joining new programs for the next week or two because they will be busy with family, friends and celebrations.
The other one says that as self-employed people, we will be aware that every minute we spend away from our business could be lost money.
So, how do we balance these two theories and put in just enough of the right kind of effort over the holiday period?
The answer really is planning and scheduling ahead plus a bit of quiet time and thinking what your goals will be for the New Year.
Let’s take the second one first. I was in a webinar today with a familiar group of people – Contact List Builder members mainly. We were recalling that this time last year we were also reviewing goals and if we had achieved what we had set ourselves.
While I haven’t flown as high as I might have wished, I have been diverted by illness and personal problems outside of the business sphere. Having said that, one of the goals I set was to increase the size of my list and I got to where I wanted to be. Not all the people on that list are as active as I would like them to be, but they are there all the same. Sometimes you just have to keep sending your list different offers till you find out what it is that floats their boat. Keeping in touch with them via social media is also important. Just this week someone who has been on my Skype contact list for over a year has suddenly joined one of my opportunities -like finding an unexpected gift under the Christmas tree!
It was also a lesson that keeping in touch with people is important. Skype tells you when your contact’s birthday is (if they’ve set that option). That’s a great reason to say hi to someone you haven’t spoken with in a while and ask them how their business is going.
There have been a few crashes in the internet business arena this year, could be that one of your contacts has been left in the lurch and looking for something new.
I will be including in my goal setting, more regular follow ups with everyone on my list. As an IBO toolbox member, that includes all the people that I have as associates over there. I don’t throw links at them willy-nilly but I might well remind them that I have a blog and they may find something of use for their business here.
As far as planning and scheduling is concerned, I can set up some solo mailings to go out in Legends Mailer. With Christmas Day and New Year’s Day towards the end of the week, my thinking is that it is worth setting up at least one mailing to go out between Christmas and New Year and then another one or two in the first days of the New Year.
If you are a new reader/subscriber to my blog, I’d just like to summarize my main business direction for 2015.
My primary business is, and will remain Karatbars. Contact List Builder is both a route to my primary business and a moneymaker in itself via its component programs so I will have a kind of two pronged approach. CLB is very much suited to less experienced networkers because it teaches them so many of the basics and gives them a structured way to establish themselves online.
Karatbars appeals equally to new networkers because it costs nothing to be an affiliate, and to the experienced and successful because they will understand the appeal of investing in gold in a still-shaky world financial environment.
CLB is constantly reviewing its component programs and recently added Team Global Impact/Four Corners alliance. For info about this, see my IBO PR. There is a lot of money to be made in this program – sit down with a cup or glass of your favourite beverage and find out about it – start here.
Finally I would like to wish all my blog subscribers happy holidays whatever you celebrate at this time of year and a very happy and successful year in 2015.