Tag Archives: promotion

Do you have the passion

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?  What is the first thing you think about?  If you are going to succeed in this highly competitive world of network marketing I can tell you how you should be feeling. First should be gratitude that you are alive.  Pretty soon after that, should be ‘How successful is today going to be and what can I do to make it more successful’.

I have to admit that I am NOT a morning person. I’m a night owl and I struggle to be out of bed when most people are thinking about elevenses.  However, when they are all tucked up in bed, I’m still online, sending mails, and searching for new contacts.

A few days ago, I was watching TV and saw someone who was enjoying some success at last, after years of hard work and I wrote about him over on IBO Toolbox.  Here is an excerpt of what I said.

I learned a lesson yesterday in what can happen if you never lose sight of a goal. What most network marketers want is success and everything that comes with it. We want to see the results of our hard work in our bank balances and in our email – notifications every day about new people joining our businesses or enquiring about them.

You can carry on reading my post over there –

New Listbuilding resources

 I’m always on the lookout for new places to advertise, such as traffic exchanges and safelists and in the last few weeks I have added a couple of new ones to my promotion  ‘family’. Continue reading