Author Archives: jennyslf

Get other people to help build your list

Whatever your chosen online business, you need CUSTOMERS and you get them by building a good list to sell to. Then if you change business or take on something new, you have a ready made audience for your venture.

So it’s even better, if in the process of building your list, you get other people to help you do it. They join your list and start a list of their own, but they also contribute some of their effort to yours.

It’s called ‘LIST LEVERAGE’ and what you get is not ONLY the list itself, but there are additional opportunities to make money apart from your main business. This is the best thing I have seen in a long while and it is WORKING for me – I am getting new leads every day.

Have a great listbuilding day.⁠

The social media audience I didn’t realise I had

I have been using to set up posts to my social media accounts a whole lot more in the past week. Today I started to look at Pinterest and what it might do.

Oh what a lightbulb moment!

Now, I don’t normally think of my Pinterest account as a place to promote any of my online business interests, but something told me I ought to look at the stats.
I converted my account to business some time ago, but have just never capitalized on the potential. I mainly think of it as a place to research, store and exchange recipes and it does that very well. Over 3 or 4 years I have built up over 600 followers – that’s more than Instagram – AND – most amazingly 8k a month traffic to my pins. I was absolutely flabbergasted!

I also got some information on the people who visit my account, including their interests, age ranges and gender. Other information tells me that Pinterest users really do spend money.

So, I quickly set up a couple of Pinterest posts from and one immediate one in the boards that get most visitors and re-pins. The pictures in those pins have been carefully chosen to appeal to the people who visit that particular board. There is nothing to prevent you adding posts to a board that are on a different subject. I also have a specific board that relates to CBD and I will make more use of that in the future. Pinterest has a feature, whereby you can choose the boards that are shown at the top of your account, so it makes sense to have the boards that already get the most visits AND the ones relating to your business up there.

Before you go and look at what I’ve been doing on Pinterest, please take a moment to sign up so you know I’ve added a new post here with valuable information to help build YOUR list.

Thanks for your visit! Before you go, please take a moment to subscribe to this blog – see sidebar – for more great listbuilding content. I’ll drop you an email whenever there is new info for you.

How can you link from multiple Instagram posts to multiple destinations?

Instagram can be great for promoting any kind of business but it has one really annoying shortcoming – you can only have one link to another site, and it has to be from your bio page.

This limitation has been nagging me for some time, so today I decided to do some research into the issue.

I have already been using to schedule Instagram posts ahead of time, and that has but unless you have the paid version, it doesn’t fully solve the problem.

One possible solution is to make a page on the site that you link to, which offers your visitor a number of possible solutions, where they would like to go next for more information, based on the post they came from.

However, I was looking for something more sophisticated, so I was really pleased to find this article which describes in detail, what the options are and how to decide which is right for your purposes.

I chose which is a really simple solution to set up and is already working well for me. I’m getting plenty of hits on that and because there are multiple destinations, my visitors can choose more than one to click to next.

Thanks for your visit – just before you whizz off to explore those links, please do take a moment to subscribe to this blog to get more great content to help you build your email list – the lifeblood and engine of your successful online business. You’ll find the form in the sidebar.

Online marketing tools – what’s new?

Like most marketers I am always on the lookout for software, websites, apps and tools that could be of benefit to me in my online business.

There are some that I already have and would not be without – IBO Toolbox is in this category. If you aren’t a member over there, you are really missing a trick. This is the place to help you build a list at no cost and very easily, just by inviting people to be new associates and then to view your business offering.

Here is your invite.

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Link, share, curate, consolidate

Most people with a few years’ experience in network marketing will find themselves creating a presence online in a number of different ways. For instance, I have this blog, my personal Facebook account PLUS a business page, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ an IBO Toolbox account, a page on and a LinkedIn account.

I already often curate and share content between the blog and IBO by re-purposing what I write in one place, for the other. This article is a good example.

Yesterday I wrote a new PR over on IBO about the wisdom of buying gold as a savings product due to the jitteriness of world financial markets. This is a curated quote and link and I hope you will go and read it – but after you read the rest of my post here!

The threat is that the value of your savings in traditional holdings like bank deposits and stocks and shares (and linked securities like UK ISAs) is going to decline very suddenly and very seriously. If you are looking at retirement in the next year or two, then this could be of very great concern to you. Your projected retirement income could be slashed and you could be looking at a future with not enough money to last your lifetime.

Wake up, or Lose Out, IBOSocial PR

I don’t want to copy it word for word over here and Google won’t like it if I do.
As a method of creating  your brand, linking your online places together in this way can really pay dividends and improve your business image.

Other ways I can draw attention to my PR/post:

  • Tweet about it
  • Create a Pinterest pin that links to it
  • Post about it on Google+
  • Update your Facebook status with a link to it
  • Use the same tags/keywords across all your references

People are more likely to remember you and trust you if your name keeps popping into their online experience – and they will also remember why you are online and what you are promoting,  to the extent it is very likely that they will subscribe to an offer or visit an affiliate site – exactly what you are aiming for.

Back to basics. Stripped down listbuilding for novices.

One thing that really annoys me about Internet Marketing is the people who try to create a huge mystique about the simplest things in order to line their own pockets.

Building a list is probably the one most important task you need to learn but it really isn’t that complicated. You will then use that list to send out information about what you are promoting to get people to buy or to sign up to be affiliates. There are some basic tools that you need to start listbuilding and yes, there are costs but you certainly do not need to spend hundreds of dollars up front as some self-styled gurus would have you believe. Continue reading

How much do you ‘LIKE’ your Facebook posts

Up till I found this article, I thought liking your own Facebook posts was a bit kind of self conscious and a vanity thing. Oh how WRONG. Facebook has being doing bad things under the covers to try and take your posts out of your contact’s news feeds. Apparently liking your own post fixes that.
I found this great article by Rick Rouse and I think all internet marketers should read it.
This is what he has to say about Facebook ‘dirty tricks’

“Facebook has made numerous changes to their user interface of late, and one of the most reviled changes of them all were changes to the news feed and the introduction of the Ticker.

Now, instead of seeing all of your friends’ posts, you only see a selected few (selected by Facebook of course) showing up in your news feed. Under the new “Edge Rank” system, friends that don’t “Like” and comment on your posts usually stop seeing them altogether before too long. ” – Rick Rouse
Go read the whole article – you’ll never look back and you will get much more potential exposure for your business activities on Facebook. This could even make up for being bashed for making too many group posts in a day!
Rick recommends this book for even more useful information about Facebook Marketing.

Discounts on domain and hosting purchases from 123-reg

I have the following discount codes available for domain and hosting purchase from UK company 123-Reg.

Domains .com – 10% please quote COMAFF123

Domains – 10% please quote COAFF123

Web Hosting – 10% please quote HOSTAFF123

This is the URL for all the services above –

If you are looking for assistance with creating your own website and/or blog then please use the contact form in the sidebar.

Do you have the passion

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?  What is the first thing you think about?  If you are going to succeed in this highly competitive world of network marketing I can tell you how you should be feeling. First should be gratitude that you are alive.  Pretty soon after that, should be ‘How successful is today going to be and what can I do to make it more successful’.

I have to admit that I am NOT a morning person. I’m a night owl and I struggle to be out of bed when most people are thinking about elevenses.  However, when they are all tucked up in bed, I’m still online, sending mails, and searching for new contacts.

A few days ago, I was watching TV and saw someone who was enjoying some success at last, after years of hard work and I wrote about him over on IBO Toolbox.  Here is an excerpt of what I said.

I learned a lesson yesterday in what can happen if you never lose sight of a goal. What most network marketers want is success and everything that comes with it. We want to see the results of our hard work in our bank balances and in our email – notifications every day about new people joining our businesses or enquiring about them.

You can carry on reading my post over there –

Are you offering real value?

The jump from merely being a reader and subscriber of your blog to being an enthusiastic customer will be made easier if you absorb and understand one specific concept. You have to offer your subscribers VALUE if you want them to consider buying from you.

So how do you do that?  If you fill in the subscribe form here on my blog, you will now be taken to a ‘Thank You’ page on which I offer you a free report about listbuilding.  For subscribers who have been with me for a while, you may recall something different, and you would be right.  However, the last couple of days showed me that I was not using my blog in the most efficient way.

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