Leads System Network has launched

I have thrown my hat in the ring and decided to join the newly launched Leads System Network, based on the referrals I collected in pre-launch. Much as I love Contact List Builder, I acknowledge that some people find the system difficult where it involves joining several different programs including an autoresponder, lead capture page creator and so on.


LSN has all of these things for one price under one roof. Its main shortcoming at the moment is that it lacks the friendly family feel that CLB has – there is currently only video training. That aside, it has a brilliant capture page editor which can be used to promote any site you wish and is very fast and easy to set up a page. The pages have a very contemporary look with semi-transparent overlays for the form and a range of enticing beach and inspirational full page backgrounds. I’m finding that these pages ‘pull’ very well,  on present showing, a little better than Adkreator.

My plan is to see how many signups I can attract before my subscription falls due again.  Currently, two of my pre-launch referrals have completed their sign up and bought in at the base product level which covers my monthly outgoing with a bit to spare. The compensation plan is one of the major attractions – you get 100% on product sales,  underwritten by the non-commissionable reseller subscription.  I am on the basic level, there are two higher product offerings which include some very sophisticated mobile phone technology.

LSN already interface with several top name autoresponders and there is a third party a/r option for the capture pages. GVO is not currently on the list though. If I wanted to, in theory I could export my LSN leads to GVO in order to manage them more effectively over there, but I think in time they will have more features which will make this unnecessary.

For the time being, the campaign, message and autoresponder interface lacks a few things that GVO has – for instance, the ability to have pre-set fields which make personalizing follow up mails a doddle. I also have my blog with GVO, and some other sites, so I won’t be leaving in a hurry. If I did decide to stay with Leads System Network, it would not be goodbye Contact List Builder I would run both. I think all listbuilders need more than one sword in their armoury.

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