A change of direction

Since I joined Contact List Builder and became an active member, I have been promoting BodyByVi health and diet products as my ‘primary’ business.  I have taken the decision to change this to Karatbars.

BBV still make good products and I still use them. However, I have decided that Karatbars is a more attractive proposition with a potentially much wider audience. A few days ago, I notified everyone on my CLB mailing list of the change, and I have to  say that I had a good result.

Several people who hadn’t been active in my CLB line contacted me to ask about it and are keen to join when they can. I hope to be seeing some early commissions in there.

Find out more from this video, then read on to find out how you can join.

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Do cultural differences affect the way you do business?

I’m a Brit OK?  We British have a reputation for being reserved in our dealings with other people.  Maybe that’s wrong and maybe it’s right but I feel that in my business and in my personal life, there are lines not to cross and places I should not go when talking to other people.

Recently that led to coming smack up against a business colleague who evidently thinks that I am being negative and something of a wimp and because of that I’m losing out on potential business. I have to disagree and this blog post is about the two sides of that argument.

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Great new way to build a capture page

If, like me you are a CLB member, one of our downline builder programs is Adkreator and this is where we are taught to create our lead capture pages. These tend to be a bit formulaic and most members seem to just copy one of the shared ones rather than coming up with their own designs. It’s a reliable and well built program with no bugs that I’ve ever found. There are plenty of templates to help you or you can design your own. So why would I want to even look at something else? Please read on.

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New Listbuilding resources

 I’m always on the lookout for new places to advertise, such as traffic exchanges and safelists and in the last few weeks I have added a couple of new ones to my promotion  ‘family’. Continue reading

Leads System Network has launched

I have thrown my hat in the ring and decided to join the newly launched Leads System Network, based on the referrals I collected in pre-launch. Much as I love Contact List Builder, I acknowledge that some people find the system difficult where it involves joining several different programs including an autoresponder, lead capture page creator and so on. Continue reading

Making the best of safelist mailings

Most marketers use safelists to send out their offers to the networking world and if they do so, they will also receive a large amount of email.

Having asked a few questions, different marketers have different strategies for deciding what to open and click for credits and what to discard unread. Continue reading

What you want may not be what you need

Millions of people every year are suckered into network marketing by totally unrealistic promises of high incomes for very little effort.

They join what looks like a promising opportunity and are faced with a big monthly bill which they have to try to equalize by recruiting, and maybe a hefty chunk of money upfront as well. The fallout is very high when they start to hit problems finding new people to come into their business. Continue reading

Edna Bucket’s promotional YouTube video

Every day almost, while I am surfing traffic exchanges, I come across sites with videos that are a total and absolute turn-off.

If you are going to make a video to promote a product or service and you honestly want people to take you seriously and buy from you, then you had better wise up and SMARTEN UP.  Continue reading

Did your autoresponder let you down?

A lot of people have had recent issues with autoresponders, in particular with the industry leader Aweber. I was clicking on safelist mail links and getting errors and 404s all over the place.  Not good for me or the advertiser.

What I heard was that they had a DDOS attack. So why should that worry you?    Continue reading

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